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BIAS (Aust) Pty Ltd



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Survival Mode

How do I know if my business is in survival mode?

Struggling to pay your bills on time, or not always having the funds to pay wages are the most common signs that your business is in survival mode. Living from week to week or month to month and constantly being under financial pressure are also common traits that a business is in survival mode.

Can my business be salvaged from survival mode?

Absolutely! Our ‘Rescue and Recover’ service will quickly outline the path to rescue your business and positively recover your profit and cash flow to pull your business out of survival mode. There are rare occurrences where a business is beyond being rescued but even in these instances BIAS (Aust) Pty Ltd can salvage a reasonable outcome for the business owners!

How long does it take to get my business out of survival mode?

Depending on the state of affairsour “Rescue & Recover “ service will navigate your business out of Survival Mode as quickly as 90 days but generally it takes between 9 and 18 months depending on the circumstance. Once we pinpoint the issues that are causing your business to be in survival mode, we generally can quickly put in place remedial strategies to turn your business around.

Cruise Mode

What is cruise mode and how do I know if my business is in cruise mode?

When your business generates similar turnover and profit from year-to-year with little change and the business appears to be "stale". Whilst you can pay your bills on time and there is reasonable cash flow the business is aimlessly cruising from year-to-year with little growth or change.

Should I be concerned with being in cruise mode?

Businesses are either growing or dying and when your business is aimlessly cruising from one year to the next, it’s actually dying – slowly. It may appear you are cruising but in fact you are slowly dying, you just don’t know it. It only takes a small adverse event to send you business spiralling towards survival mode!

What are the dangers of being in cruise mode?

When a business is in cruise mode for an extended period of time it is slowly dying. What can happened is that a small adverse event can send your business into survive mode very quickly and before you know it you are struggling to keep your business afloat. Whilst it may appear your business is safe it doesn’t take much to quickly change things!

Can I safely trade my business in cruise mode?

Absolutely! We have specifically designed our ‘assurance’ service to help business owners safely trade their business from year to year without risk of falling into survival mode. Not all business owners want to grow an empire but simply sustain a comfortable lifestyle and need assurance there is no ‘financial cliff” looming.

Growth Mode

What is growth mode?

Businesses who wish to grow their business to generate more income and more profit or businesses that are experiencing rapid sales growth or high demand for their product or service. Struggling to keep up with demand and delivering your product or service on time are all common traits of a business being in growth mode.

Is growth mode good or bad?

The short answer is both, growth mode can be good and bad. Firstly we need to determine whether you want rapid growth and if so, how to handle the growth without negatively impacting your profit and cash flow. Generally a business experiencing rapid growth has enormous problems with cash flow to the point it can kill the business. Whilst rapid growth can be exciting and rewarding, if not handled properly, can lead to rapid decline!

How do I handle growth in my business?

Growing your business is not easy and a well-planned out strategy and execution is absolutely vital. Our ‘Advance & Conquer” service will outline a clear and achievable path to not only grow your business but ensure your business does not suffer adverse effects of rapid growth!

Virtual CFO

What is a virtual CFO?

Chief Financial Officer is a dedicated experienced professional that assumes responsibility for personally delivering and executing the financial business improvement tasks for your business. A deep relationship and trust is developed with this person who is contracted via BIAS (Aust) Pty Ltd!

When will my business need a Virtual CFO?

When your business is well established with a proven product or service and the business is well within a growth phase and you want to take your business ‘All the Way’ to the heights that you believe your business is capable of. This service is for those business owners who are entrepreneurs and wish to maximise profit, growth and business value!

What does a Virtual CFO do?

Your virtual CFO will work with your chosen team to nurture a deep relationship and trust and co-ordinate and establish systems and procedures to execute your chosen strategy. Your virtual CFO will be your first and ultimate point of contact and on-line at all times. They will interpret results and educate and help you implement recommendations and business strategies!